Early bird
until March 1st
with Masterclasses: 100 €
Chill bird
until April 6th
with Masterclasses: 120 €
no Masterclasses: 100 €
Sleepy bird
until June 31st
with Masterclasses: 140 €
no Masterclasses: 110 €
Lazy bird
until August 14th
with Masterclasses: 160 €
no Masterclasses: 130 €
During Roztoč
with Masterclasses:
170 €
no Masterclasses:
140 €
Early bird | until March 1st
100 € with Masterclasses
Chill bird | until April 6th
120 € with Masterclasses
100 € no Masterclasses
Sleepy bird | until June 30th
140 € with Masterclasses
110 € no Masterclasses
Lazy bird | until August 14th
160 € with Masterclasses
130 € no Masterclasses
🐦Gate | cash-only | during the festival 🐦
170 € with Masterclasses
140 € no Masterclasses
What you're getting in your ticket
In the 4 days of Roztoč, you are going to get:
- ~40 workshops of all kinds every day,
- multiple full-length shows every day – circus, flow, theatre, and more,
- 25+ DJs at 4 stages,
- 15+ live bands,
- program for children,
- infinite fuel for the all-night every-night firejams,
- an awesome and unique venue,
- camping included in ticket,
- an extra day to pack up in your own time,
- free drinking water,
- 4 kinds of beer on tap!
Buy tickets
What are masterclasses? See our FAQs.
How to apply for a discount
Since Roztoč didn’t get some grants that we usually have in our budget, and everything around us is constantly getting more expensive, we’ve had to slightly increase the ticket prices. Nonetheless, to make it more accessible for those who struggle with finances, we’ve decided to introduce discounts.
Message us at with reasons why you think you should get a discount, and we’ll try to accomodate you! We want to offer lower price for students or youngsters, those who come from a considerably poorer country (this can include the Czech republic), or are in a difficult economical situation because of reasons beyond their control (war, health problems, etc). We hope this will allow us to help those who needed, and people won’t misuse our good intentions.